Jessica Gadeken

Jessica Gadeken



About Coach

I’m a wife, working mom of two, and crafting junky. I grew up in Huron before moving to Yankton to attend Mount Marty to get my undergraduate degree in accounting and play for the women’s basketball team. After graduating from Mount Marty, I got my Masters of Professional Accountancy from the University of South Dakota and eventually obtained my CPA license. I’m currently a partner at a local CPA firm. When I’m not working or running kids to activities, I enjoy scrapbooking and attempting my hand at craft projects I’ve found on Pinterest. After years of playing sports and being extremely active, I suddenly found myself very sedentary. I had fallen into the rut of working all day, and thinking I could still eat like a college athlete. Before long I found myself in a body I didn’t recognize and definitely didn’t love. In 2018, I finally decided it was time for a change. My kids were old enough that they didn’t need me every waking moment and I had time to work on myself. My journey back to fitness started online with at home workouts. I had more than one restart but eventually I stuck to my routine and started making progress. After a few years, I’d out grown my home gym but dreaded the thought of joining a traditional gym where I was just another person. I’d heard about Empower Fitness and knew a coworker belonged so I asked to tag along to a class. A few classes later I found myself getting a nine class pass, then a twelve, then a sixteen and eventually an unlimited pass. When the opportunity to become a Coach opened up I was immediately intrigued. I love helping other women succeed and watching them fulfill their fitness goals. Empower Fitness is just that. A welcoming place that empowers women to be themselves and to strive for their goals with support and accountability. Getting to play a small part in someone’s journey to feeling better and more confident in their own skin, is both rewarding and humbling. I will be forever grateful to be a part of this tribe of strong women.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

pushpress gym management software for boutique gyms and fitness studios